Title: A Race to Build Youth Interest in Computer Science: Exploring CS Attitudes
This research has been published by ProQuest.
Continue here to research by Troy Hawk on ProQuest Publishing!
—-Initial outreach and invitation to join the study below!—-
Do you want your child between ages 11 - 15 to explore computer science as a future career?
If yes, consider allowing them to participate in a free online research study that gets students learning and thinking about computer science, and that explores their attitudes about a career in the profession. Participants in this study will:
- Complete a 9-question pre-survey before starting the study’s activities, and a 5 question demographics information
(7 minutes)
. - Participate in online activities learning about computer science.
(1hr 45-minutes)
.- Learn why future computer science professionals are highly needed.
- Learn about coding, and create an app using the Python coding/computer programming language.
- Learn about cybersecurity and why such future professionals are in high need.
- Learn about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science through practicing these concepts and techniques.
- Complete a 9-question post-survey after completing the study’s activities
If your child participates, they will be asked questions in the surveys about:
- Their capability of achieving goals related to computer science learning.
- Their beliefs about their outcomes of engaging in computer science.
- Five demographic questions.
If you agree to having your child participate in this research study, and are ready for your child to get started now, please click the link below:
This Research Has Been Published by ProQuest. For access to the manuscript Preview, or to Order a Full copy use the link below!